צפיות בכותרות
כ"ד בטבת התשע"ו
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:21:29 ◀︎ The great betrayal: American Jews stay silent as Israeli democracy withers
00:23:38 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia defies West by cutting ties with Iran
01:47:03 ◀︎ Christian-backed aliyah project: PR ploy or challenge to the Jewish establishment?
03:44:34 ◀︎ Arab students in Tel Aviv: Police tore through our homes 'as if terrorist hiding on a shelf'
09:03:11 ◀︎ Israeli soldier lightly wounded in Gush Etzion stabbing
09:09:48 ◀︎ Study: Kashrut certification costing Israeli economy $770m
09:10:49 ◀︎ Jewish extremist suspected of Jerusalem arson released after five months
09:26:42 ◀︎ Israel is not the only country in the Middle East that censors books
10:17:09 ◀︎ Kahlon: Kulanu can live with new NGO funding bill
11:10:55 ◀︎ Israeli police arrest Palestinian suspect in Herzliya
11:19:04 ◀︎ Israeli prison service removes warden from post due to lifer's escape
12:14:25 ◀︎ France commemorates kosher supermarket, Charlie Hebdo attacks
12:22:19 ◀︎ Israel Police: Suspect provides telling info during Duma murder reenactment
12:33:49 ◀︎ Group seeks to counter religious 'coercion' in Israeli public schools
13:52:12 ◀︎ Israeli rights groups warn of Palestinian hunger-striker's poor health
14:58:00 ◀︎ Israeli Arabs removed from flight at demand of Jewish passengers
15:04:55 ◀︎ Israel Police arrest father of Tel Aviv shooting suspect
15:14:10 ◀︎ Supreme Court nixes appeal by 'spiritual guru' rabbi who bribed cop
16:00:07 ◀︎ Haaretz Q&A: Duma attack and Jewish terrorists
19:01:17 ◀︎ President Trump's America? Think: Netanyahu's Israel on bad steroids
19:32:17 ◀︎ Reports of PA 'collapse' spur call by MK Livni to convene Knesset committee
20:40:22 ◀︎ Some lapsed Israeli Jews find religion in unlikely place: their Filipino partners
22:42:18 ◀︎ Israeli military officer killed during training exercise in the Negev
23:40:11 ◀︎ Joining forces to campaign against the occupation is no danger for the Jewish community