הכותרות שעניינו הכי הרבה גולשים בדף זה
06/12/15 00:43
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The police say they are treating the attack as a terrorist incident; according to some reports, the assailant was wielding a machete.
06/12/15 02:29
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Dozens of dancers flooded the streets, pubs and stalls of Mahane Yehuda market with music and movement as part of a city winter festival aimed at getting Jerusalemites out on the town despite the ongoing violence.
06/12/15 02:56
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Yossi took leave of life often, even as a young man, that hypochondriac emeritus; but it was life, not death, that provided endless evidence of his greatness.
06/12/15 04:04
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'If current situation continues, it's not clear how long Palestinian Authority can survive,' secretary of state says at Washington D.C. event.
06/12/15 09:17
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Iran supreme leader's top foreign policy adviser Ali Akbar Velayati says Syrian people must determine Syria's future, adds that Iran will aim to ease Russia-Turkey tensions.
06/12/15 09:54
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Since taking office in July 2014, Rivlin has spoken passionately in favor of greater equality in Israel and has been one of the foremost advocates for the country's Arab minority.
06/12/15 10:13
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The series of attacks clearly sends the message that civilians in the West cannot feel safe at home while their governments are bombing Islamic State bases in Syria and Iraq.
06/12/15 11:31
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The solar fields would dot the Jordanian desert, while Israel would supply water, says environmental organization EcoPeace.