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ב' בשבט התשפ"ב
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00:08:29 ◀︎ Cyber units saved Israel's military draft
05:29:58 ◀︎ Kashrut reform is only the beginning
05:38:59 ◀︎ Israeli universities take different approaches to remote, 'accessible' learning
05:54:44 ◀︎ Education Ministry leaves principals to contend with COVID-19 chaos alone
06:19:26 ◀︎ Bennett knows Israel's old policies won’t work against omicron
06:29:34 ◀︎ Greek Orthodox Church to compensate JNF over scam that targeted both
07:50:21 ◀︎ Netanyahu, Israeli newspaper's publisher in talks to print ex-PM's memoirs
08:29:42 ◀︎ Construction worker deaths in Israel didn't rise in 2021, but number of indictments fell
10:42:57 ◀︎ Biblical kings were plagued by parasites, study of 2,700-year-old Jerusalem toilet shows
10:53:05 ◀︎ Israel lifts restrictions on same-sex surrogacy in landmark decision
11:13:29 ◀︎ Omicron may finally bring herd immunity to Israel. The question is how
11:31:29 ◀︎ For second day straight, drone attack on U.S. forces in Iraq foiled
11:50:51 ◀︎ COVID infections in Israel skyrocket to sixth-highest figure ever
12:01:00 ◀︎ I’ve been covering Israeli intelligence and security for 38 years. The legal system exhausts me
12:51:39 ◀︎ His work is censored for being 'anti-Israeli.' But the 'Territories Painter' won't be silenced
13:06:13 ◀︎ ‘I hope we won’t need it’: Israel’s doomsday option against Iran
13:31:04 ◀︎ Why criticize Israel, when cruelty elsewhere in the world is worse?
13:31:04 ◀︎ Palestinian political activist freed from Egyptian detention after two years
14:40:01 ◀︎ Israeli trial shows fourth COVID shot increases antibodies fivefold, Bennett says
14:50:08 ◀︎ Canadian court rules Iran should pay families of six victims of 2020 plane downing
15:45:16 ◀︎ Wanted: A new Jewish Agency chief without political ties but with good fundraising skills
16:25:31 ◀︎ Israeli minister warns of more crises with Diaspora Jews over COVID entry rules
16:55:53 ◀︎ Fourth COVID shot boosts protection fivefold, initial findings from Israeli study suggest
17:05:58 ◀︎ Anti-military protests in Sudan resume following prime minister's resignation
17:35:03 ◀︎ Agreement reached to end Palestinian detainee's hunger strike after 141 days
18:15:46 ◀︎ Israel fell out of love with its left-wing parties – but can they ever reunite?
18:55:00 ◀︎ Israeli gynecologist arrested on suspicion of raping, harassing patients
18:55:00 ◀︎ ‘There’s a global arms race’: The hottest field in Israeli tech today
18:56:07 ◀︎ Welcome to Tel Aviv! Oh, hold on, your partner's name is Mohammed?
20:34:08 ◀︎ 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder
20:41:58 ◀︎ Deadly helicopter crash caused by 'serious engine fault,' Israeli Air Force official says
21:23:36 ◀︎ Opposition slams government for fast-tracking Knesset vote on unrecognized villages
21:50:47 ◀︎ Israel shot down Hezbollah drone that crossed over from Lebanon, IDF says
22:40:26 ◀︎ Is U.S.-Israel alliance blocking justice in murder case of Palestinian-American activist?
22:46:05 ◀︎ Israel to begin broadcasting select court rulings in transparency push
22:50:36 ◀︎ Applications for gun licenses in Israel soared after May Jewish-Arab violence
23:00:48 ◀︎ Israel shelves plans that would harm Bedouin after pressure from Islamist party
23:10:57 ◀︎ U.S. warns 'clock running out' on talks as Iran advances nuclear program
23:55:45 ◀︎ Enough with administrative detentions