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00:40:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu’s wooing of Arab voters unwittingly sets an important precedent
00:46:00 ◀︎ Israel's blatantly illegal public security minister
01:41:27 ◀︎ Not ‘apartheid in the West Bank.’ Apartheid
02:33:27 ◀︎ The debate on Israel-Palestine has been exported, but the conflict will be solved at home
02:36:50 ◀︎ Netanyahu making progress in bid to cancel his corruption trial
06:26:14 ◀︎ Distrust, division and doubt cloud Palestinian election call
08:19:56 ◀︎ Israel is a success story with vaccines. On other COVID fronts, it’s a fiasco
08:27:49 ◀︎ Coronavirus live: Defying gov't, Tel Aviv mayor plans to reopen cultural venues to vaccinated Israelis
10:25:54 ◀︎ Iranian redeployment in Iraq behind Israel's alleged Syria strike, sources say
10:55:17 ◀︎ U.S. capitals gird for pro-Trump armed protests as FBI flags risk of violence
11:07:47 ◀︎ Iran tests long-range missiles, lands them '100 miles from U.S. aircraft carrier strike group'
11:22:29 ◀︎ France says Iran is building nuclear weapons capacity, urgent to revive 2015 deal
11:41:39 ◀︎ Iran asks watchdog not to publish 'unnecessary' nuke details
11:42:47 ◀︎ Trump Jr., right-wing Twitter claim Orthodox Jewish rioter was a left-wing agitator despite lack of evidence
12:06:31 ◀︎ White supremacist known as 'baked Alaska' arrested by the FBI
12:15:34 ◀︎ Some in the GOP parrot far-right talk of a coming civil war
12:17:50 ◀︎ Gunmen kill two female Supreme Court judges in Afghanistan
12:34:42 ◀︎ What is Russia hiding?
12:46:01 ◀︎ Ben Sasse blasts QAnon: The GOP must reject conspiracy theories or be consumed by them
12:59:35 ◀︎ Gas masks, safe rooms and Saddam Hussein: Thirty years since the Gulf War
13:49:32 ◀︎ When parental control apps do more harm than good
13:49:32 ◀︎ The 'economic anxiety' lie: Trump, his insurrection and his white liberal media enablers
14:05:21 ◀︎ Pelosi calls for prosecution of any Congress members who might have helped pro-Trump siege
14:09:51 ◀︎ Despite court decision, contentious movie ‘Jenin, Jenin’ won't be removed from YouTube
14:22:22 ◀︎ Immigrants in Israel asked to leave absorption center during lockdown: 'scared and confused'
14:38:30 ◀︎ Biden plans 'roughly a dozen' Day One executive actions aimed at undoing Trump policies
14:40:46 ◀︎ Police likely to close case against cops involved in fatal car chase of settler teen
14:57:58 ◀︎ Archaeologists discover King Herod had a bonsai garden
15:00:14 ◀︎ Archaeologists find oldest picture in the world. It’s a pig
15:26:23 ◀︎ 3,300-year-old Canaanite jars found in Tiryns rewrite history of trade
15:53:45 ◀︎ ‘Very fine people’: An oral history of the Trump presidency and the Jews
16:08:28 ◀︎ Ocasio-Cortez rips into Zuckerberg: 'Facebook bears partial responsibility' for Capitol siege
16:08:28 ◀︎ I was about to watch a TV show called ‘The Grave’ – and then my dad died
16:18:41 ◀︎ Israel’s COVID testing has reached new heights, but the cost may not be worthwhile
16:51:22 ◀︎ Trump to leave D.C. morning of Inauguration Day with his lowest approval rating yet
18:35:52 ◀︎ 10-year-old Palestinian girl attacked by settlers, relatives say
18:48:48 ◀︎ How this Israeli was falsely diagnosed as COVID carrier and banned from his health clinic
19:27:04 ◀︎ A 19-year-old woman was missing for years. Police suspect her brother, now dead, murdered her
20:04:33 ◀︎ Israelis will be exempted from quarantine a week after receiving second COVID vaccine dose
20:28:35 ◀︎ 'We are listening to Trump—your boss,' video shows rioters telling Capitol police
20:47:10 ◀︎ Kremlin critic Navalny detained after landing in Moscow
21:41:39 ◀︎ 400,000 Israelis were wrongly quarantined by Shin Bet tracking, top court says
22:45:17 ◀︎ LISTEN: Fundamentalist Israel is no longer Jewish, says Avrum Burg. On Jewish supremacy, democracy and Diaspora
23:13:34 ◀︎ Israel reveals the patients' data it gives Pfizer as part of COVID vaccine deal
23:34:02 ◀︎ Education minister bars rights groups calling Israel 'apartheid state' from schools