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01:07:35 ◀︎ Three Tel Aviv strip clubs close down on grounds that lap dancing is prostitution
01:45:46 ◀︎ In first, woman to receive Israel Prize for Talmudic scholarship
02:16:23 ◀︎ Netanyahu supporters fail to see their own worth
03:01:32 ◀︎ Enforcing Kashrut in the Israeli army is racism and a tool for religious coercion
03:32:06 ◀︎ Report: Sheldon and Miriam Adelson to spend $100 million in Trump re-election bid
04:08:35 ◀︎ Taxes on tips: Judge is happy, Israeli restaurateurs are not
05:55:25 ◀︎ From an Arab village to Tel Aviv’s next rich-only complex
09:38:14 ◀︎ Trump administration nixes funding for Palestinian security forces from 2021 budget plan
10:47:41 ◀︎ Meet Summayl: Tel Aviv’s controversial multimillionaires-only compound
10:55:40 ◀︎ Lebanese protesters clash with security forces ahead of Cabinet vote of confidence
11:09:16 ◀︎ Syrian government seizes Aleppo highway for first time since 2012
11:09:16 ◀︎ Israel taps settler lawyer to handle bankruptcy of Palestinian firm he's been trying to evict
11:09:16 ◀︎ Though not on the ballot, Bloomberg wins first primary vote in tiny New Hampshire town
11:34:13 ◀︎ Iraqis wake up to snow for first time in over a decade
11:44:26 ◀︎ Justice Ministry probing massive leak of voter information from Likud election app
12:05:14 ◀︎ Saudi-Qatar talks to end lengthy Gulf dispute falter, sources say
12:05:14 ◀︎ Over 100 cars vandalized, hateful graffiti sprayed in northern Israeli Arab town
12:17:49 ◀︎ Syrians scramble for refuge against harsh winter as Idlib attacks fuel crisis
12:30:39 ◀︎ 2020 Dems: Bernie leads, Biden tumbles and Bloomberg surges in new national poll
12:30:39 ◀︎ Today, Palestine launches a real peace process. Not Trump’s ignorant, arrogant sham
12:36:23 ◀︎ Turkey-backed rebels down Syrian army helicopter
12:56:40 ◀︎ Leviathan rig malfunction prompts gas to be burnt, flow stops
13:21:32 ◀︎ This best-selling Saudi novel sheds light on the prospect of normalization with Israel
13:26:00 ◀︎ Iran says Canada's complaint over downed Ukrainian plane lacks legal basis
14:18:36 ◀︎ Arab Israeli leader says party won't back Gantz for PM if he supports annexation
15:02:16 ◀︎ 'The Farewell' is a love letter to China
15:51:19 ◀︎ Did the Nazis really use bodies of murdered Jews to make soap?
17:06:41 ◀︎ Syria displacement is worst since conflict began, UN says
17:14:44 ◀︎ Twelve Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes with Israeli forces
17:19:15 ◀︎ HBO's 'The Outsider' is the scariest thing on TV after a Trump rally
17:40:59 ◀︎ U.S. envoy at UN: Trump Mideast peace plan is subject to changes
18:47:31 ◀︎ Israeli Orthodox mother of five wins Miami half-marathon race
19:34:52 ◀︎ Kids of obese women have higher autism rates, Israeli study finds
19:40:35 ◀︎ Gaza documentary filmmaker files federal lawsuit against Georgia’s anti-BDS law
20:04:36 ◀︎ Gantz says he will not include Arab party in future government
20:33:22 ◀︎ Twenty days until Israel election III, the campaign is comatose and voters apathetic
20:35:39 ◀︎ Doctors in Egypt launch anti-genital cutting campaign after 12-year-old girl dies from procedure
20:50:29 ◀︎ 'Meet the Press’ host rapped for comparing Sanders supporters to Nazi 'brownshirts'
22:02:20 ◀︎ Netanyahu's frantic search for an Arab feather in his diplomatic cap
22:12:44 ◀︎ Trump tweets Larry David MAGA hat spoof without realizing the joke's on him
22:29:53 ◀︎ CIA owned encryption world leader, read secret comms for years, report reveals
22:53:51 ◀︎ Hundreds of thousands mark Islamic Revolution anniversary amid high U.S. tensions
23:40:36 ◀︎ Israeli defense minister orders release of Jewish teen from administrative detention
23:46:15 ◀︎ Business center for E. Jerusalem Arab neighborhood halted over Jewish neighbors' objections
23:50:49 ◀︎ Ex-Israeli PM Olmert: Abbas is the only partner for peace