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00:37:42 ◀︎ Syria says Israel was behind airstrike that killed 18 on Iraqi border
01:06:10 ◀︎ Gantz: Tlaib, Omar would have seen West Bank is 'second best place' for Mideast Arabs
02:09:41 ◀︎ Syria rockets launched by same group that attempted drone attack, Israeli defense officials believe
04:29:53 ◀︎ Iranian centrifuges meet Netanyahu’s political spin cycle
04:41:14 ◀︎ This is what political persecution looks like
04:51:33 ◀︎ The jeep was late
05:11:56 ◀︎ The Likud’s little red booklet
05:19:51 ◀︎ A wise tax on soft drinks could make Israel healthier and wealthier
06:18:02 ◀︎ On the Iran front, Netanyahu is blurring the border between defense and politics
06:21:26 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
06:28:17 ◀︎ Could better sewers turn a bit of Israel into Tuscany?
07:21:50 ◀︎ Israeli army drone fell in Gaza Strip overnight, IDF says
07:47:50 ◀︎ Israeli drone fell in Gaza Strip overnight, army says
10:31:24 ◀︎ Report: 21 Iraqi militia members killed in explosion in Iran-linked arms depot
11:46:46 ◀︎ Netanyahu to make one-day visit to Russia, five days before election
12:09:44 ◀︎ No nuclear presentation can save Netanyahu from Trump's willingness to speak with enemies
12:58:05 ◀︎ Air strikes hit Syria for first time since brokered cease-fire, war monitor says
13:19:50 ◀︎ Iran's Zarif rejects Netanyahu's nuclear claim, says he 'cries wolf'
13:24:16 ◀︎ Syria's Raqqa still finding the dead, 2 years after ISIS fall
14:24:04 ◀︎ On Israel's Election Day, Dutch court to consider war crimes case against Gantz
14:33:06 ◀︎ New movie dares to look through the eyes of Israeli PM Rabin's murderer
14:59:48 ◀︎ Sheep of Skara Brae have been eating seaweed for 5,500 years, but never learned to like it
14:59:48 ◀︎ Kremlin says reported U.S. spy in Russian president's office was fired years ago
15:23:00 ◀︎ Two female draftees petition Israel's High Court to let them serve in tank unit
16:22:22 ◀︎ Israel would welcome ties with Pakistan. Should India worry?
16:35:44 ◀︎ Ancient tablets may reveal what destroyed Minoan civilization
16:53:02 ◀︎ Lieberman strikes back: Why the man who helped put Netanyahu in power is now taking him down
16:58:39 ◀︎ Netanyahu says Israel will annex Jordan Valley if reelected
17:38:42 ◀︎ Bernie Sanders is — finally — willing to talk about being Jewish
17:50:00 ◀︎ Decoy ploy shows Israeli military has become band of 'Hollywood actors,' Hezbollah chief says
17:56:58 ◀︎ Shi'ite Muslims observe Ashoura as Israel-Iran tensions escalate
18:02:53 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia's Aramco moves closer to world's largest IPO
18:11:16 ◀︎ Newly identified 8-foot electric eel delivers strongest shock in animal kingdom
19:05:44 ◀︎ Trump fires Bolton: I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions
19:16:21 ◀︎ Stampede kills 31, injures 100 during Shi'ite Ashoura celebrations in Iraq
19:20:53 ◀︎ Netanyahu says Knesset vote to allow cameras at polling stations to go ahead
20:03:38 ◀︎ Algerian PM Bedoui to resign, paving way for elections, government sources say
20:15:59 ◀︎ Democratic Union takes on Labor's co-leader in 'worrying' election campaign
21:01:53 ◀︎ Netanyahu’s 'historic opportunity' to annex Jordan Valley is just hysterical despair
21:26:00 ◀︎ Netanyahu taken off stage in campaign rally following Gaza rocket attack
21:41:59 ◀︎ In first for election polls, Kahanist party makes it into Knesset
22:19:00 ◀︎ Court allows deportation of Filipina without her Israeli-born children
22:24:44 ◀︎ Trump ready to meet Rohani without preconditions, Pompeo says hours after Bolton fired
22:34:45 ◀︎ In last words, slain journalist Khashoggi asked killers not to suffocate him
22:40:42 ◀︎ Netanyahu's annexation promise would 'kill the peace process,' Jordan says
22:55:29 ◀︎ For second day running, Trump – and Hamas – rain on Netanyahu’s grandstanding parade
23:59:50 ◀︎ Israeli prisoner in critical condition after attack by cellmate