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ז' בתמוז התשע"ח
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00:14:48 ◀︎ U.S. withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council, citing 'unconscionable' approach to Israel
01:10:07 ◀︎ The ‘muezzin law’ is a stain on the law books
01:21:28 ◀︎ At least five rockets fired from Gaza into Israel as sirens sound several times
02:19:23 ◀︎ A chain of Mideast events that leads to the foiling of Iran
02:31:02 ◀︎ The Israeli student's map of Israel
03:14:09 ◀︎ State seeks 8-year jail term for Tel Aviv nightclub owner convicted of multiple sex offenses
04:52:32 ◀︎ Trump and sexual harassment? Take a look at Hollywood
04:58:31 ◀︎ Tel Aviv mayor sets example in battle against gender segregation
05:33:52 ◀︎ Business in Brief: Elbit Systems says it has reached agreement to buy rival defense contractor IMI
05:45:35 ◀︎ Denmark's Jews questioning their future in the country following proposed ban on circumcision
11:45:20 ◀︎ The one place Europe's anti-Semitic far right is confident of winning the Jewish vote
12:43:43 ◀︎ Hamas changes tactics: Even non-lethal Israeli strikes now met by rockets
12:55:04 ◀︎ Asylum requests in EU fall from record highs, jump in U.S.
13:15:44 ◀︎ Major Gaza escalation: 45 rockets fired at Israel, IDF strikes 25 Hamas targets
13:37:34 ◀︎ These Dutch Holocaust survivors have been madly in love for 70 years
13:40:55 ◀︎ In Sweden, Jews and Muslims united around Israeli flags at a gay pride parade
13:40:55 ◀︎ The 20 best restaurants in Israel right now, according to Gault & Millau
13:55:36 ◀︎ Saudi-led coalition seizes Yemen's Hodeidah airport
14:09:42 ◀︎ Hidden children of Holocaust open up about ‘unconscionable’ family separation
14:09:42 ◀︎ Southern Israeli stream still heavily polluted year after industrial spill
14:21:58 ◀︎ Rachel Maddow cries live on air while describing Trump's 'tender age' camps
14:27:37 ◀︎ Under Trump, youngest migrants held in 'tender age' shelters
15:16:42 ◀︎ Iran's Khamenei slams U.S. for separating migrant kids at border
15:31:58 ◀︎ By rejecting confessions under torture, Israel takes step toward the truth
15:45:38 ◀︎ Italy's dangerous flirtation with fascism
15:54:32 ◀︎ Heckler yells 'Mr. President, f--- you' as Trump visits Congress
16:12:16 ◀︎ Pope slams Trump on immigration: 'Populism isn't the solution'
16:17:43 ◀︎ Jews clash as Shoah comparisons for Trump detention centers spiral
16:24:35 ◀︎ Backing the wrong wild horse: New studies demolish equine domestication theory
16:32:31 ◀︎ Former Trump campaign manager mocks 10-year-old migrant with down syndrome
16:54:44 ◀︎ Wikipedia lists Trump’s detention centers as ‘concentration camps,’ sparks online war
16:57:01 ◀︎ Bill banning discrimination based on sexual orientation passes preliminary Knesset vote
17:21:07 ◀︎ Syrian army steps up attacks in southwest, Jordan concerned
17:30:16 ◀︎ Trump’s 2020 campaign manager calls for Sessions to be fired and Mueller probe ended
17:30:16 ◀︎ Palestinian official chides 'baby-snatching' U.S. for withdrawal from UN human rights council
17:35:41 ◀︎ Hungary passes 'STOP Soros' law, defying EU, rights groups
17:37:50 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: June 20, 2018
18:00:33 ◀︎ Prisoners in Yemen raped, tortured, held without charges by UAE guards
18:04:05 ◀︎ Netanyahu warns of cyber risks that can down fighter jets
18:04:05 ◀︎ Jewish activists aiding children separated from families at U.S. border
18:23:19 ◀︎ New Yorker apologizes after fact-checker wrongly claims ICE worker has Nazi tattoo
18:29:56 ◀︎ Top Democratic donor Saban blasts party's senators for supporting U.S. aid to Gaza
18:35:52 ◀︎ New U.S.-Russia-Saudi oil alliance could also have implications for Israel and Iran
18:51:51 ◀︎ Trump better informed than Merkel on crime rate, German far-right leader claims
18:51:51 ◀︎ Eritrean and Ethiopians to conduct rare peace talks in Addis Ababa
18:54:05 ◀︎ Right-wing extremists protest West Bank arson murder trial: 'Your grandson's on the grill'
18:55:24 ◀︎ Trump to sign 'something preemptive' on immigrant family separation policy
19:16:14 ◀︎ IBM's argumentative computer, produced in Israel, proves formidable against human debaters
19:42:36 ◀︎ Fascism is creeping into Israel's education system
20:07:18 ◀︎ Citing antitrust delays, El Al drops plan to merge unit with Israir