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י"ז בתמוז התשע"ז (צום י"ז בתמוז)
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00:35:27 ◀︎ Tired of being a Israel's doormat, Labor party gets a new lease on life
00:46:52 ◀︎ The demise of the Israel's Labor Party
00:46:52 ◀︎ Catholic bishop apologizes for Jedwabne massacre
00:48:06 ◀︎ Part of land for Amona evacuees' settlement is owned by Palestinians, say petitioners
00:50:25 ◀︎ In first, Israel transfers authority for West Bank electrical substation to Palestinians
00:55:08 ◀︎ 'But sir, it’s an American ship' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty
00:57:25 ◀︎ Record number of tourists visit Israel in first half of 2017
00:57:25 ◀︎ Israeli Chief Rabbinate proposes criteria for 'white list' of overseas rabbis
01:02:20 ◀︎ Israeli panel balks at deciding if patronizing prostitutes is a crime
01:02:20 ◀︎ Hitting the campaign trail in Israel when there's no election
02:32:34 ◀︎ Forget the 'Trump bump,' will Israel's crisis with world Jews spur more donations to Jewish state?
03:22:56 ◀︎ U.S. army soldier suspected of aiding ISIS extremists
04:53:39 ◀︎ Haaretz Cartoon
08:44:47 ◀︎ International DJ festival DGTL coming to Tel Aviv
08:44:47 ◀︎ An Israeli in Tehran's high-tech court: One can dream, right?
09:07:25 ◀︎ Israel's new democratic hope for change
09:10:46 ◀︎ Avi Gabbay, a business exec with little political experience, just won Israel's Labor Party primary and hopes to replace Netanyahu
09:51:26 ◀︎ Award-winning 'Dyke March' reporter removed from duties at Chicago LGBT newspaper
09:51:26 ◀︎ Israel's Submarine Scandal: Former Israeli general grilled by police after raids
10:32:24 ◀︎ Israeli scientists crack wild wheat genome, discovering mutations key to early human farming
11:37:15 ◀︎ Why American Jews need to lose all faith in Israel's government
12:18:30 ◀︎ In rare move, U.S. Ambassador to Israel to join Trump envoy in meeting with Palestinians
12:50:43 ◀︎ Who are we to tell religious Jews what to do at the Western Wall?
13:00:10 ◀︎ Rebels shoot down Syrian warplane in cease-fire zone
13:39:34 ◀︎ Gaza power watch: How many hours of electricity does Gaza get everyday
14:37:12 ◀︎ Jared Kushner punishing Qatar over 'soured real-estate deal,' reports allege
14:50:53 ◀︎ After Abbas, Egypt hold talks, official says Gaza border won't be opened without PA supervision
14:53:03 ◀︎ Where Nazis burned books, life-size temple created out of them stands tall
15:01:56 ◀︎ U.S. Conservative Jewish leader accuses Israeli government of 'betrayal'
15:16:43 ◀︎ Israel got its Macron, but it doesn’t have France’s rage
15:35:18 ◀︎ N.Y. man caught drawing swastikas on Jewish owned property
16:01:07 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia, breaking with tradition, introduces physical education for schoolgirls
16:10:20 ◀︎ Opinion: I’m a rabbi blacklisted by Israel’s rabbinate – and proud of it
16:29:43 ◀︎ With global jihadi network, ISIS' defeats in Iraq and Syria won't stop its terror
16:37:43 ◀︎ I’m blacklisted by Israel’s rabbinate – and proud of it
16:57:23 ◀︎ With the West's backing, Abbas doesn't need to worry about local support
17:33:15 ◀︎ ISIS leader al-Baghdadi confirmed dead by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
17:46:11 ◀︎ Email offered Trump Jr. Russian government dirt on Clinton. 'I love it,' he replied
17:55:20 ◀︎ Netanyahu, the man who wasn't investigated
18:07:56 ◀︎ Qatar vows support for Hamas in Gaza, hours after deal with U.S. to stop funding terror
18:14:30 ◀︎ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: July 11, 2017
19:09:10 ◀︎ Four things to know about Donald Trump Jr.’s Jewish lawyer
19:17:33 ◀︎ 'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty
19:21:05 ◀︎ Fact check: Is Qatar supporting terrorism? A look at its ties to Iran, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood
19:33:07 ◀︎ Netanyahu's new start-up nation: Israel, the Anti-Jewish State
19:52:51 ◀︎ 'Fox and Friends' retracts claim about Comey leaking, which Trump repeated in a tweet
19:52:51 ◀︎ In Netanyahu’s world, Soros’ politics justify throwing him to Hungary’s anti-Semitic dogs
20:11:38 ◀︎ Abbas keeps up pressure on Hamas with new economic sanctions
20:38:22 ◀︎ Israeli general: Officers must speak out on moral issues, proper use of force
20:52:23 ◀︎ Bill would force High Court rulings to favor Israel’s Jewish character over democracy