הכותרות שעניינו הכי הרבה גולשים בדף זה
14/06/16 01:27
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מאת הארץ
'We honor your grief and great loss': Tel Aviv's LGBT community pays tribute to Orlando's victims »»
The Orlando massacre touched a raw nerve for members of Israel's gay community not fully recovered from its own recent tragedies.
14/06/16 02:31
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מאת הארץ
Knesset committee sets fine at 58,400 shekels ($1,507), instead of the 300 lirot (the old Israeli currency) still stipulated in the law.
14/06/16 04:01
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A female companion to the police commander was also killed while a three-year-old boy, possibly their son, was rescued when police shot and killed the assailant.
14/06/16 05:43
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מאת הארץ
Egypt has launched a campaign to assist the poor acquire basic food packages. As usual, it is an opportunity for fly-by-night merchants to sell the low-cost packages at market prices.
14/06/16 06:19
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מאת הארץ
Jewish groups must be wary of hiring guards from private contractors, considering gunman Omar Mateen worked for one of these agencies, Secure Community Network director says.
14/06/16 10:16
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מאת הארץ
Trump’s militancy on Islamic terror might please right-wingers in Israel and the U.S. but his tasteless tweets and offensive comments alienate everyone else.
14/06/16 10:51
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מאת הארץ
Despite criticism, 2003 regulation again extended for a year. Meretz MK Galon: Right-wing government 'hates and excludes Arabs.'
14/06/16 11:35
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מאת הארץ
According to Health Ministry figures, children in Israel's Arab community consume more sweetened drinks than their Jewish counterparts. Child obesity is also more severe in the Arab community.