צפיות בכותרות
כ"ז בכסלו התשע"ו (נר שלישי של חנוכה)
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
01:50:36 ◀︎ Israeli team unlocks riddle of plutonium origin
03:30:59 ◀︎ Study: Only 1% of Israeli Jews can read a book in Arabic
04:51:00 ◀︎ Jerusalem adapts to strange terror routine, again
05:51:26 ◀︎ U.S. Jews responding to Donald Trump should learn from French Jews and Le Pen
06:14:39 ◀︎ Naftali Bennett and Miri Regev clash over new Israeli Jewish culture award
07:32:53 ◀︎ Medical marijuana is legal for PTSD in Israel, but good luck getting it
09:58:13 ◀︎ Jordan refutes Netanyahu's claims of Israeli gas diplomacy
11:04:38 ◀︎ 39% of Israeli Arabs feel discriminated against in job market, poll shows
11:41:17 ◀︎ Government opposes appointment of women as sharia judges to avoid setting precedent for rabbinic courts
12:48:11 ◀︎ Israel drops opposition to renewal of U.S. funding to UNESCO at Kerry's behest
13:08:18 ◀︎ Two wounded in stabbing attack in Hebron, assailant shot dead
14:47:33 ◀︎ Israeli lawmakers call to block Trump's visit to Israel
16:20:38 ◀︎ United with my critics by our common dread for the future of Israel
17:28:17 ◀︎ Israel has highest poverty rate in West
19:00:15 ◀︎ Lieberman: Netanyahu caved on UNESCO, renewed U.S. funding to cause damage to Israel
19:46:19 ◀︎ Two Israelis wounded in West Bank shooting
19:53:04 ◀︎ Netanyahu allies donated to groups pushing for Third Temple
20:51:31 ◀︎ Former member of Jewish Underground, wife wounded in West Bank shooting attack
21:39:18 ◀︎ Netanyahu rejects Trump's call to ban Muslims from U.S., but refuses to cancel meeting
21:51:41 ◀︎ President Rivlin to Obama: Israel has no war with Islam
23:25:52 ◀︎ Israel revealed it exported $400k in gold to North Korea