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י"ד בתשרי התשע"ו (ערב סוכות)
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01:37:58 ◀︎ Syria and Iran taken hostage by Putin's geopolitical goals
01:48:08 ◀︎ Kerry blocks Netanyahu-Abbas meeting, Palestinian and Israeli officials say
02:40:40 ◀︎ 30 years on, Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah remains the game changer
02:45:07 ◀︎ Jeb Bush unveils team of prominent Jewish supporters
03:32:11 ◀︎ Refugees being housed in Dachau concentration camp buildings
03:32:11 ◀︎ When Israel’s great brainwashing began
03:33:18 ◀︎ Night sky to offer rare show with supermoon eclipse
03:35:33 ◀︎ Iraq says Russia, Iran, Syria cooperating in Baghdad against ISIS
07:38:06 ◀︎ Sissi: Egypt's nearly 40-year peace with Israel should include more Arab countries
09:25:00 ◀︎ Moti Kirschenbaum, the man who transformed Israeli television
09:41:43 ◀︎ Palestinians, Israeli forces clash at Temple Mount
10:20:06 ◀︎ A woman’s place is in the Sukkah - and dancing with the Torah, too
10:44:49 ◀︎ France launches first airstrikes on ISIS targets in Syria
12:21:50 ◀︎ Cleared for publication: Israel Police chief nominee is Roni Alsheich
12:25:11 ◀︎ Israel's Christian schools expected to end strike, resume classes on Monday
12:57:36 ◀︎ U.K.'s Cameron open to keeping Syria's Assad in power in short term
13:46:01 ◀︎ Sukkot in Florida: Hurricanes, heat and Home Depot
14:12:30 ◀︎ Putin: U.S. support for rebel forces in Syria illegal and ineffective
14:18:16 ◀︎ Why a sukkah on stolen land is kosher
15:06:04 ◀︎ You don't have to be Catholic (to worship the Pope)
15:24:15 ◀︎ Iconic Israeli journalist Moti Kirschenbaum laid to rest
18:07:18 ◀︎ Palestinians excluded from Israel Police map of southern West Bank
18:41:54 ◀︎ State funding for gender-separate religious schools in Israel to be phased out
19:17:13 ◀︎ Netanyahu asks ministries to assess viability of Eilat casino
19:32:45 ◀︎ Police restrict Muslim Temple Mount access following clashes
20:47:08 ◀︎ Sukkah tents give architects much to dwell on
20:53:43 ◀︎ Up to one million expected for pope's last Mass in the U.S.
21:07:02 ◀︎ British army used Israeli Tamuz missiles in Iraq, Afghanistan campaigns
21:50:35 ◀︎ Jewish soul food heals old wounds in Polish town
22:35:10 ◀︎ Israel fires at Syria army in response to mortar fire
23:46:47 ◀︎ Separatist parties win absolute majority in Catalonia regional elections